Michelle's story - People can change!

Michelle smiling

Meet Michelle:
“My name’s Michelle and I'm an alcoholic. I've had drug problems and alcohol issues for years. I didn't believe in myself for many years, but people can change.”

Now 7 months in to her recovery, Michelle’s enthusiasm for her time in CrossReach Residential Recovery Service (formerly Rainbow House) and the Recovery Volunteer programme is infectious!

“It was just an amazing experience. Just getting structure, finding time for myself.  Growing up, I had quite a traumatic upbringing, so getting away to go to Rainbow and rehab was an amazing opportunity. It saved my life basically, and it's turned my life right around.”

In a candid interview, Michelle spoke of “always functioning” despite her challenges, and was aware that she entered rehab not actually knowing what she was looking for. “ I just didn't know if I was a bad person or why I was taking drugs or alcohol. I just didn't know.”  She praised the staff at CrossReach Residential Recovery Service for helping her realise that “it was all right to be me”; that her substance use was a means of coping with past trauma and no longer defined her self-belief.

Mother of two, Michelle became emotional when recalling that this Christmas was the first one she had seen sober and reflected on her role now as a mother:

“My daughter's never lived with me as a sober mother. So it's all new to her. I need to accept that everything's not going to be hunky dory straight away, because she's never lived with a mother doing things for her, like tidying her room”

Michelle commented that one of the strengths of the Residential service is that “They prepare you for when you leave, for what you’ve got to do, have you got things in place? And that's a big thing, to have structure when you come out.”

Some of Michelle’s new structure comes from the opportunity she now has to volunteer at the Kirkhaven Project, another CrossReach service that provides support for homeless men and women who have experienced mental health issues, substance dependency or challenging behaviours. After completing the Recovery Volunteer Programme, Michelle is keen to give back to others.
“If I could take what I learned from CrossReach and give it back volunteering, then that was just a winner for me. Asking for help was a big one for me because I've always done it myself…it's all right having a bit of humility.

“I think the program is absolutely fantastic, but I think you need to be ready. You need to want it…. So if you're ready and you want to make that change to start a better life for yourself, CrossReach is an amazing program”

So what is Michelle’s main take away from her experience with CrossReach?

"People can change! I never ever thought that I would be sitting here sober. People don't believe in themselves. I didn't believe in myself for many years, but you can change. You just can!"


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