An innovative service designed to improve family visits to Polmont Prison.

Office hours

1:30 - 8:30pm Monday - Friday
11am - 4pm Saturday and Sunday

Arrange a visit

Call 01324 722330

Contact us


Sasha Groves

Services offered at Polmont Prison Visitors Centre

  • Support for prison visitors in Perth and Polmont

Our visitor centre is situated by the front desk in reception and is a confidential space where families can chat to staff.

In the Visits Waiting Room children and families can enjoy free refreshments whilst playing, reading and chatting to our friendly band of staff and volunteers. 

Our Aims

  • For contact to be maintained between the prisoner and their families
  • To improve the wellbeing of children
  • To improve the quality of prison visits  

    We are also able to signpost families to external agencies for a range of services including:
  • Scottish Book Trust
  • Childsmiles
  • Food Banks
  • Money Matters

A guide to visiting Polmont Visitors Centre:

Virtual visit process

Online banking transfer details

Frequently asked questions

Want to find out more?
Call 01324 722330
Or email

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