We have provided residential care and education for children and young people for over 50 years and we know that with the right support, they can heal, grow and succeed.

For various reasons, some children and young people are unable to live within their family settling for a period of time.

Many have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences [ACEs], which have significantly increased their levels of anxiety and often made it difficult for them to cope in groups, in learning environments and in relationships.   

At times children and young people can find it difficult to manage their feelings and actions. To us, all behaviours are communication and we have seen with our own eyes that children are resilient. We know that with the right support, they can heal, grow and succeed.

Our Relational and Attachment informed practice model offers an innovative approach of community houses, clustered around a central education hub. This allows us to provide the structure, support and care that children overcoming past difficulties need.

Questions about referrals, funding and availability?
Call: Kyle Fleming, Head of Education, on 0141 473 7335

Martin Walsh, Head of Care, on 0141 473 7335