High quality residential care for up to 34 older people in Banchory.

Bellfield Home is situated in its own grounds, 18 miles west of Aberdeen in the picturesque town of Banchory. Bellfield is in the heart an active local community, within easy walking distance of the local shops, banks, post office, bowling green, churches, library, opticians, GP and dental practices.

Office hours

10.00 am - 4.00 pm (Monday - Friday)

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Caroline Ewen

Services offered at Bellfield

  • Care homes for older age

Accommodation you can feel at home in
Bellfield has been refurbished to a high standard and now has accommodation for 34 older people in single rooms, all with en-suite facilities.

Your room can be offered furnished or unfurnished and you are encouraged to bring your own personal possessions to help you truly feel at home here. Each room has a wall mounted television and there is also a phone socket and internet access if you want those connected. We can arrange for you to have a phone with your own number – this is your home after all.

Each room has a nurse call system allowing you to summon assistance 24 hours a day.

There are two lounges where you can relax and socialise. The main lounge has a television at either end. The smaller lounge has no television but there are facilities to listen to music. This quiet lounge can be used for table top games, reading or just sitting and chatting.

The conservatory overlooks the High Street and can be used in all seasons by residents and their families to listen to music, socialise or watch the local activities.

There is a large bright dining area offering a choice of nutritious home cooked meals. Our catering is to a high standard and the service is flexible to meet the needs and choices of each resident, accomodating special diets. We welcome suggestions and requests for anything that is not currently on the menu. If you’d like family members to join us for a meal, just let us know.

The house has its own enclosed secure garden with a paved area and seating. This can be enjoyed throughout the year – when the north east weather allows! We have a new sensory garden within this area which is constantly maintained and upgraded by our gardener and our Friends Group.

We have recently had our summer house refurbished, the Bellfield Cafe, and we encourage everyone to make full use of it, especially visitors.

'Very impressed with the summer house. Decoration is lovely and very comfortable. Nice cuppa and cakes too.'

Your Individual Care Plan
We make every effort to provide our residents with the support, security and independence they require. As we work with you to create your own personal care plan, we will address all aspects of your needs, including social, physical, emotional, spiritual, cultural, medical and recreational.

Family involvement
We recognise the immense importance that family and friends can play in your future happiness. They are encouraged to continue visiting and helping, in any way that you wish, with your care. You can also invite friends or relatives for a meal, coffee or afternoon tea.

'We are delighted with the care that my father is getting at Bellfield.  There is always a lovely atmosphere in the home, we have always found the staff friendly and have time to answer any questions we may have and to reassure us if we have any problems.' 

Community involvement
The ‘Friends of Bellfield’ are drawn from the local community, churches, family and friends. The group raises funds through coffee mornings and sales to provide items for the benefit of everyone at Bellfield. They also arrange entertainment and social events throughout the year.

Other services 
These include:

  • Weekly hairdresser visits
  • Chiropody and dental care
  • Weekly GP surgery
  • Daily visits by district nurses if required
  • In-house laundry service as required

Service brochure to view and download:

Questions about costs, admissions or arranging a visit?
Call us on 01330 822692

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