Temporary accommodation and support for adults looking to move into their own tenancies.

If you don't have a permanent home for any reason, Cale House can offer you move-on accommodation for up to two years. During this time we can also support you as you prepare to secure and maintain your own tenancy.

Office hours

8 am - 8 pm (Monday - Friday)
10 am - 6 pm (Saturday - Sunday)

Arrange a visit

Call 01463 718616

View current job vacancies

Contact us


Service Leader

Emma Todea

Services offered at Cale House

  • Move-on accommodation

Our accommodation is made up of 8 double flats and 6 single flats. All are fully furnished and equipped with most essential household requirements, including bedding and kitchen utensils. Each flat has a TV and a payphone.

Your Individual Support Plan
When you come to Cale House you will be allocated a key worker. Together you will discuss your situation and your goals, and draw up a plan that identifies what support you need.

We can support you with:

  • Basic living skills
  • Family relationships
  • Social interaction
  • Housing applications
  • Budgeting
  • Time management
  • Learning or rediscovering skills

Community Involvement
We’ll also encourage you to interact with the local community including some form of voluntary work and training schemes.

Cale House has established links with agencies such as Action Team for Jobs, Adult Education and Apex should you wish to make use of these services.

Local churches also support our work at Cale House.

Questions about referrals, funding or availability?
Call us on 01463 718616

'I feel safe here, I daily feel welcomed and accepted. Every morning I feel anxiety and to help me I go into the office and the response I get from staff helps remove my anxiety.'

'Cale House offers an outstanding support for individuals who are undertaking a period of abstinence. Each client being provided with 1:1 support assisting them to prepare for independent living.' Highland Council Survey 2021

Service leaflet to view and download: