A comfortable care home offering accommodation and day care for older people.

Situated in the waterfront conservation area of the village of Scalloway, the Walter & Joan Gray overlooks the harbour and is just a short walk to the local shops and post office.

Office hours

8.30 am - 5.00 pm (Monday - Friday)

Arrange a visit

Call 01595 880691

Contact us



Sue Anderson

Services offered at The Walter & Joan Gray

  • Care homes for older age
  • Day care

We offer permanent residential care here, as well as a facility for day care, which provides a range of activities for older people in the local community.

Accommodation you can feel at home in
We have accommodation for 16 residents. All our rooms are single with en-suite shower and toilet. You can have a television and telephone in your room if you wish.

One of our bedrooms is reserved for the use of short stay or respite guests.

There are three small communal lounges. One has a television and radio. One is a quiet lounge. The other is the main lounge which can be used for larger get-togethers and events. All meals are served in our spacious dining room. We also provide a laundry service to any residents who require it.

Your Individual Care Plan
You will be involved in creating your personal care plan, which will be tailored to meet your individual needs.

Family involvement
Your family will be encouraged to participate in your care wherever possible, as long as you have agreed to this.

Community involvement
The Walter & Joan Gray is part of the community and we are included when preparations are being made for local events. We will encourage and support you to maintain your links in the community.

Other services
These include:

  • Daily devotions for those who wish to attend
  • Weekly church service for those who wish to attend
  • Meaningful activities for individuals
  • Residents’ meetings giving you an opportunity to have your say on entertainment, outings, menus etc
  • A Friends Group who raise funds for the home and residents
  • Reviews of your Care involving you and those involved in your care
  • Visits from NHS professionals on request

Day care 
Within our building, but separate from the residential area, is a facility for Day Care. This has up to ten places and operates five days a week to meet demand.

We offer a wide range of activities, encouraging people to meet others and enjoy a stimulating environment. Lunch is provided, and transport to and from day care can be arranged for you.

Service brochure to view and download:

Questions about costs, admissions or arranging a visit?
Call us on 01595 880691

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